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Best Exit

Reading/watching list...

Below is a list of books that our coaches and members of the incredible team recommend.  Readers will find the content useful for both personal and business development. 

Feed your mind...

To sell is human - Dan Pink

ISBN: 978-0857867186

“His work is eye opening and refreshing, the tricks and tips he provides work, they really do!”


Persuasion - James Borg

ISBN: 978-0273734161

“It pays to be persuasive from senior managers to new-starters in business; at home, in the office and in the boardroom the ability to confidently motivate, influence and convince others offers a competitive edge that can really set you apart and help you get what you want.”

The seven habits of highly effective people – Stephen Covey


“This book is as good as any place to start on the road to self-awareness and self-improvement in the workplace and in the home without becoming too irritatingly smug and self-satisfied.”


How to win friends and influence people – Dale Carnegie

ISBN: 978-0091906818

“how to win friends and influence people is just as useful today as it was when it was first published, because Dale Carnegie had an understanding of human nature that will never be outdated.”


You can’t teach a kid to ride an bike at a seminar – David Sandler

ISBN: 978-0967179902

“One of the best books I have ever read regarding making a sales presentation. The chapter about finding "the pain" should be read once a month for a year by any salesman, experienced or not.”


Bury my heart at conference room b – Stan Slap

ISBN: 978-1591845348

“The book will enable the reader to develop a foundation to understand themselves, their core values. Once the values are understood, the book outlines how to lead yourself, your team, according to those values. The book is a gift for change.”


The tools of leadership – Max Landsberg

ISBN: 978-1861976604

“At the heart of leadership is the ability to motivate - whether it comes naturally or not. This book is a must-read.”


What management is – Joan Magretta

ISBN: 978-1861976451

“While most management books are, rightly, derided for their poorly-written vacuousness this is a succinct, well written, and deeply insightful exploration of the core concepts of management.”


Leadership team coaching – Peter Hawkins

ISBN: 978-0749458836

Offering a practical road map with numerous examples, leadership team coaching brings together the latest research to teach you how you can develop people from disparate groups into a high performing team to transform your business.


How great leaders inspire action – Simon Sinek (video)

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